Fluoride is an industrial waste product of the phosphate fertilizer industry. It is scrubbed from their smokestacks and then intentionally added to drinking water because some believe it to reduce the incidence of tooth decay. This is a concern given that we now know fluoride to be a developmental neurotoxin, similar to lead and mercury. One in six children in the U.S. have a neurodevelopment brain disorder such as ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, or learning disability. We now know that this epidemic is driven by environmental toxin exposure in-utero and in childhood, periods when the brain is developing very rapidly. We can not afford for our children to drink daily a known neurotoxin, in any amount. Furthermore, fluoride is an endocrine disruptor, decreasing the blood levels of thyroid hormone. In fact, it was used in the 1940s to suppress thyroid activity in patients with overactive thyroid glands. Today, one in eight women in our country will develop thyroid disease, and thus it makes no sense for adults to knowingly drink a thyrotoxic chemical throughout their lifetime.
You, M.D. regularly speaks, testifies, and writes for national organizations and local governments wanting up-to-date health information regarding the health implications of adding fluoride to public water systems.
Click here to access recent scientific studies regarding the health implications of drinking fluoride.
You, M.D. regularly speaks, testifies, and writes for national organizations and local governments wanting up-to-date health information regarding the health implications of adding fluoride to public water systems.
Click here to access recent scientific studies regarding the health implications of drinking fluoride.